CA RSOL Challenges El Dorado County Ordinance

California Reform Sex Offender Laws (CA RSOL) filed a lawsuit today challenging the El Dorado County ordinance that prohibits all registrants from entering the county’s parks, schools and other areas where children congregate. The lawsuit requests that the court declare that the ordinance is unconstitutional and prohibit the county from enforcing that ordinance.

“It is important to stop the El Dorado County ordinance as it prevents all California registrants from visiting most recreational areas at or near Lake Tahoe,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of CA RSOL. “The ordinance also prohibits registrants from accessing information because they cannot enter the county’s public library.”

The El Dorado County ordinance, which was passed in February 2012, also prohibits registrants from being present within 300 feet of parks, schools and other areas where children congregate. As a result, registrants may not lawfully enter businesses near those locations.

The lawsuit alleges that the ordinance violates the First, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution as well as the California Constitution. The sole plaintiff in the case is a registrant who resides in El Dorado County. In the lawsuit, the registrant is currently identified as John Doe. The court will later decide whether the plaintiff can continue to use a pseudonym in this case.

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One cannot help but wonder, though, why these legal challenges are so few and far between. Given the fact that these ordinances have been around for a while now and they are all very similar to each other, that they all rely on the same legal concepts and documents (US, CA Constitutions, Bill of Rights, CA Penal Code, etc) in their challenging basis, and the fact that there have been several so for that have been rather successful – how come not every single one of these ordinances is challenged in court? There should be some cookie cutter efficiencies at this point.

Where is the lack? Funds? Local plaintiffs?

Can’t the sex offender registry be used to recruit plaintiffs? If every registered California EX-sex offender would donate just $1 to their own cause with CA RSOL. We would be knocking holes in the sex offender registry in a major way.

I understand registrants (myself included) are afraid but it’s time for us to get angry and engage, engage, engage where ever and however we can. If that means writing a letter to our leaders or a check for a few bucks to RSOL then so be it.

Me? I’m NOW a bit more out there, but I wasn’t at first. I was afraid to do anything but then they told me I couldn’t be with my son in a park! Excuse me?!?!? I saved my son’s life twice in a public place because I was there to do so!

That ladies and gentleman got me involved in a major way. Attack me? Okay, I’m a big boy. Now these laws disallow me (others like me) to be there to save my child’s life for the third time? The hell with fear of what people know or think about me. THE FIGHT IS ON!!!! Everyone has their PUSH POINT. Mine ladies and gentlemen is at the point of putting my children in danger.

It is a parent’s God given right to be with their child in public places. IF you agree with me on this THEN do something, ANYTHING. Where is your PUSH POINT? Don’t wait as I did for the wolf to come knocking on your door before doing something! Thank God RSOL was there for me! If you have questions use these professionals at RSOL and go to a meeting sometime. They’re there for you and your family. This old soldier’s way of seeing it…”we are in this together but together WE WILL make a difference!”

There are some very good points in favor of uniting and “showing up, standing up, and speaking up” presented here. I would like to add that if we remain in hiding people will not be able to see that we are “normal” people with normal needs, wants, beliefs, fears, etc. And NOT the monsters, and monsters mates/families, that the media, law-makers, advocate groups, and on-line-haters have painted us to be!!!
If registrants unite, and their families unite, and we all work together we will have power and a voice. We will also have emotional support from each other. And if we would ALL donate, even a small amount, we could “move mountains.”

Surreal. Here is one of the main problems with these laws! What if I we t from California to El Dorado County? How would I know this law existed? Could I visit the lake? Could I boat? Water ski? Swim? Could I sun bathe? Then, what if I needed to visit the library to research the area? Could I visit a museum that used to be a library? Surreal!

i think its so hard for the families too. Those of us who have children. To me its a way to lesson ones family because we are trying to live a normal life and have our kids grow up in a good society with us involved. My husband has been on the list since 19 and its been 20 years now of good behavior and is nothing like what he was at 19. We are role models for our children and also a huge part in their lives and just want to be able to take the kids to pools or take the children to the library. We have a straight A student who uses the library a lot. To me…this takes away from being a productive part of your kids lives. A murderer can get out and go. I know that ppl are scared. But there are many of us who are just trying to lead a life that our kids can look back at and know their parents were and are there to support them. Isnt that taking the rights away from our kids too? I get why laws are put in place. Its to protect. I know that we want laws also. But this is taking away from our Constitutional Rights.

I think that RSO’s with children or grandkids need a new law drafted that allows them to have full access to all school, public, and/or church functions that their kids are involved in…after all, IT’S FOR THE CHILDREN! The “for the children ” laws always seem to get passed. Do we have any brave legislators in this state?